Dr. rer. nat. Benjamin Rohrmoser

Patent Attorney

European Patent Attorney

Tel.: +49 (0)89 – 45 09 18 - 0
Fax: +49 (0)89 – 45 09 18 - 12

E-Mail: muc@hsspatent.de 

Benjamin Rohrmoser studied physics at the University of Augsburg, with his minor subjects materials science and business administration. The results of his diploma thesis in experimental solid state physics have been published in the Journal of the American Chemical Society as a much-quoted article titled "Experimental Electron Density of the Complex Carbides Sc3 [Fe (C2) 2] and Sc3 [Co (C2) 2]".

At the Radiochemistry of the TU München, Mr. Rohrmoser continued his work in interdisciplinary teams within the framework of a doctorate in nuclear physics. He received the "Best Poster Award" at KONTEC 2011 for the presentation of his doctoral thesis "Use of Bremsstrahlung Information for the non-destructive Characterization of Radioactive Waste Packages". He successfully completed his doctorate in 2016 and has since then been working in the office of Hofstetter, Schurack & Partner for the protection of industrial property rights.

Mr. Rohrmoser speaks German and English.